Thursday, September 6, 2012

Letting Go

For the last couple of days I have been hearing God tell me that I am to die to self.  
Which has got me thinking…

Obviously being a Christian we are supposed to put God first and have faith in Him and He will use us.  Although I think that God asks more of us then that, I think that we are just to scared to lose control because we know that God is going to ask us to do something crazy.

 I honestly believe that God has sent me across the world so that I can learn that I am not my own, but that I was bought at a price and belong to nobody else but my heavenly father.  He will use me as long as I surrender to Him. I know people say all the time that we are to have less of self and more of God. What would it look like though if we were to completely die to self? Would you do ANYTHING for God if He asked you?

God told a man in the bible to give everything you have to the poor and follow Him. If God asked you to do that, do you have enough faith in God that He knows what He is doing to trust Him and obey? “Oh but I spent so much time and money on this, how could “God possibly want me to lose ‘my’ stuff. He gave it to me.” That is the culture we come from, letting go of the American dream is not easy.

I don’t know what surrendering to God would look like for you. It might not be moving across the country or world, but no matter what it is God will bless you because of it. He will use you in ways you probably thought were not even imaginable.

 I am learning very quickly that stepping back from the wheel and letting God have control is not easy, in fact, it is probably one of the hardest things to do. God never said that following Him is easy. I find myself saying “God use me” then He asks me to do something and my response is “oh, but please not that!” Letting go of comfort is hard, but just like my dad always says “stretch and grow” however annoying he is when he says that, it’s true. Once we get uncomfortable and let go, we see things a way we have never seen them before and grow.

In worship the other day we sang the song, This is My Desire. Some of the lyrics say Lord I give you my life, I give you my all, Lord have your way in me, every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake, Lord have your way in me.  When this becomes our prayer, God will do it if we honestly believe He will use us, He will. Mama Miracle said later on that if we are negative and expect bad things to happen, they will. If we expect God to do something amazing and put our hope in Him, He will do something amazing.  Simply put, you get what you expect. It is hard to see the things that God is doing if we aren’t looking for them.

The gate into Youth With A Mission Arusha
So this is what God has been saying to me. That we are let go of control, give it to God and then expect Him to do something amazing.  I know that this has been God’s challenge to me, but I believe that this is also God’s challenge to all Believers. Will you surrender to God; is He worth it to you?   


  1. Maddy, this was so good, I really needed to see this. I hope you don't mind if I quote you on some of this in a devotional I'm writing. Your obedience to following Jesus to the ends of the Earth (or at least around the world) is so inspiring. Praying for you, girl!

  2. Words of wisdom. Once again you have inspired and encouraged me! L O V E you girl!
